BitRaser Mobile Eraser & Diagnostics
BitRaser Mobile Eraser & Diagnostics
BitRaser Mobile Eraser & Diagnostics/3. Getting Started/3.2. Installation Procedure
1. Start theBitRaser Mobile Eraser & Diagnosticsinstallerapplication.
2. TheWelcome to the BitRaser Mobile Eraser & Diagnostics SetupWizardappears as shown below, click下一个。
3.License Agreementwindow appears, read theLicense Agreementcarefully and select theI Accept the Agreementradio button and clickNext.
4.Select Destination Locationwindows appears, clickBrowseto select the folder where you want to install the software, and clickNext.
5.Select Start Menu Folderwindows appears, clickBrowseto select the folder where you want to create the shortcut of the software, and clickNext.
6.Select Additional Taskswindows appears, clickBrowseto select the folder where you want to create the shortcut of the software, and clickNext.
7.Ready to Installwindow appears, clickInstallto continue the process or clickBackif you want to review or change the settings.
8.Installingwindow appears displaying the installation progress.
9.The installation process is now completed, clickFinishto close the wizard and select发射BitRaser移动橡皮擦和诊断check-box to launch the application.