StellarConverter for Database
StellarConverter for Database
To convert the database into MS Access you just have to select the location and start the conversion process.
Steps to convert and save the database intoMS Access:
1.RunStellar Converter for Database.
2. SeeSelect and Find Database Typeto see how to select a database.
3. ClickConvertfromFileto convert the database.
4.Convert and Save Databasewindow appears. SelectMS AccessunderDatabase Type.
5. ClickBrowseand select a destination for saving the converted file.
6. When done, clickSaveto convert and save the scanned database file intoMS Accessdatabase file.
Note: You can select both .mdb/.accdb as source
7. After successful completion, a dialog box appears with the message, "Selected Database Converted Successfully".
8. ClickOKto finish the process.