StellarReporter & Auditor for Exchange Server
StellarReporter & Auditor for Exchange Server
Stellar Reporter & Auditor for Exchange Server/4. Types of Reports/4.2. OWA & ActiveSync Reports/4.2.4. ActiveSync Request Reports
ActiveSync Request Reports displays the requests created by all the activesync devices with the device details, during a given time period.
Reports included in this category are:
This report displays the complete information related to the sync requests from all the activesync devices for a given time period. The details included in the report are username, device type, device id, synced folder, time period etc.
To view Sync Requests report:
From theNavigation Pane, click onReport -> OWA & ActiveSync.
UnderActiveSync Request Reports, click onSync Requests.
UnderFilter, in thePeriodfield, select the time period from the drop down options and clickGo.
If you wish to change the Server, click onSelect Serverand choose the server name from the drop down list.
This report displays the requests created by activesync users in a given time period. The report displays the username and request count. This report also shoes top 10 synced mailboxes based on request count.
To view Overall Sync Requests report:
From theNavigation Pane, click onReport -> OWA & ActiveSync.
UnderActiveSync Request Reports, click onOverall Sync Requests Summary.
UnderFilter, in thePeriodfield, select the time period from the drop down options and clickGo.
If you wish to change the Server, click onSelect Serverand choose the server name from the drop down list.
This report displays all the mail requests for a given time period. The details included in this report are username, device id, device type, sync command, date and time.
To view Mail Requests report:
From theNavigation Pane, click onReport -> OWA & ActiveSync.
UnderActiveSync Request Reports, click onOverall Mail Requests.
UnderFilter, in thePeriodfield, select the time period from the drop down options and clickGo.
If you wish to change the Server, click onSelect Serverand choose the server name from the drop down list.