StellarReporter & Auditor for Exchange Server
StellarReporter & Auditor for Exchange Server
Stellar Reporter & Auditor for Exchange Server/6. Working with the Software/6.1.处理服务器/6.1.1. Add Server
To add a new server follow the steps mentioned below:
1. Login toStellar Reporter & Auditor for Exchange Server.
2. From theNavigation Pane, click onAdmin -> Server -> Add Server.
3. AnAdd Serverwindow is displayed as shown below:
4. In theGlobal Catalog Serverfield, enter the name of the exchange server that you want to add.
5. In theCredentialsfield, enter theDomain\User NameandPasswordfor the exchange server in the respective fields.
Note:By default, theRemember Passwordcheck-box is checked. If you do not want to save the password for thatDomainorUser Namethen unchecked theRemember Passwordcheck-box.
6. ClickAdd.