StellarReporter & Auditor for Exchange Server
StellarReporter & Auditor for Exchange Server
Stellar Reporter & Auditor for Exchange Server/5. Types of Auditor Reports/5.1. Mailbox Logon Reports
Mailbox Logon Reports contains Information related to users who have logged on to what mailboxes at what time. The reports displayed include:
User Logon Activity can be monitored using this report. This report records and lists all the successful user logons to the mailboxes on the server with the corresponding email and logon type during a given time period.
To view User Logon Activity report:
From theNavigation Pane, click onAuditor.
UnderMailbox Logon Reports, click onUser Logon Activity.
If you wish to change the Server, click onSelect Serverand choose the server name from the drop down list.
Stellar Reporter & Auditor for Exchange Serverreports users who gained access to other users mailboxes.
To view Non-owner Mailbox logon report:
From theNavigation Pane, click onAuditor
UnderMailbox Logon Reports, click onNon-owner Mailbox logon.
If you wish to change the Server, click onSelect Serverand choose the server name from the drop down list.
Server Based Logon Report lists the collective data from both user logon and non-owner logon . It reports the complete logon activity with timestamp.
To view Server Based Logon Report:
From theNavigation Pane, click onAuditor
UnderMailbox Logon Reports, click onServer Based Logon Report.
If you wish to change the Server, click onSelect Serverand choose the server name from the drop down list.