StellarReporter & Auditor for Exchange Server
StellarReporter & Auditor for Exchange Server
Stellar Reporter & Auditor for Exchange Server/4. Types of Reports/4.3. Email Traffic Reports/4.3.9. Non-delivery Reports
Non-delivery Reports list out all the non-delivered mails during a given time span. The details also include the possible causes responsible for the same.
Non-delivery Reports list out all the non-delivered mails during a given time span. The details include sender and recipient e-mail id, message subject, possible cause for non-delivery, message size and date.
To view Non-delivery reports:
From theNavigation Pane, click onReport -> Email Traffic.
UnderNon-delivery Reports, click onNon-delivery reports.
UnderFilter, in thePeriodfield, select the time period from the drop down options and clickGo.
If you wish to change the Server, click onSelect Serverand choose the server name from the drop down list.
This report lists all the mails that were not delivered due to invalid email address. The details include sender and recipient e-mail id, message subject, possible cause for non-delivery, message size and date.
To view Invalid Email Address reports:
From theNavigation Pane, click onReport -> Email Traffic.
UnderNon-delivery Reports, click onInvalid Email Address.
UnderFilter, in thePeriodfield, select the time period from the drop down options and clickGo.
If you wish to change the Server, click onSelect Serverand choose the server name from the drop down list.
This reports shows a count of all the delivered and non-delivered internal messages.
To view Delivered vs Non-delivery reports:
From theNavigation Pane, click onReport -> Email Traffic.
UnderNon-delivery Reports, click onDeliivered vs Non-delivery reports.
UnderFilter, in thePeriodfield, select the time period from the drop down options and clickGo.
If you wish to change the Server, click onSelect Serverand choose the server name from the drop down list.