StellarReporter & Auditor for Exchange Server
StellarReporter & Auditor for Exchange Server
Stellar Reporter & Auditor for Exchange Server/4. Types of Reports/4.7. Organization Reports/4.7.2. Store Reports
Store Reports provide information of the mailbox stores associated with the exchange server. The reports provide information which help in analyzing the store growth, store split-up and store restrictions.
Various reports displayed under this category are:
Mailbox Stores report lists all the mailbox stores in the exchange server with their respective details. The details include store name, size, number of mailboxes, server name etc. It also shows a Mailbox Split-Up bar graph between the individual mailbox stores and their sizes.
To view Mailbox Stores report:
From theNavigation Pane, click onReport -> Organization.
UnderStore Reports, click onMailbox Stores.
If you wish to change the Server, click onSelect Serverand choose the server name from the drop down list.
This report shows the growth of all the mailbox stores with their growth rate. The report lists the initial and final size of mailbox stores and also displays the top 5 mailbox stores based on growth rate.
From theNavigation Pane, click onReport -> Organization.
UnderStore Reports, click onMailbox Stores Growth.
UnderFilter,in thePeriodfield, select the time period from the drop down options and clickGo.
If you wish to change the Server, click onSelect Serverand choose the server name from the drop down list.
This report shows the number of mailboxes in an exchange organization and the size used by each mailbox store with other mailbox details.
To view Mailbox Store Split-up report:
From theNavigation Pane, click onReport -> Organization.
UnderStore Reports,click onMailbox Store Split-up.
If you wish to change the Server, click onSelect Serverand choose the server name from the drop down list.
This report displays various mailbox stores and their restricted limits. The details included in this report are mailbox store name, server name, size (KB) at which warning is issued, size (KB) at which sending is prohibited and size (KB) at which both sending and receiving is prohibited.
To view Mailbox Store Restrictions report:
From theNavigation Pane, click onReport -> Organization.
UnderStore Reports, click onMailbox Store Restrictions.
If you wish to change the Server, click onSelect Serverand choose the server name from the drop down list.
This report shows Public store details like storage group, size, administrative group, canonical name etc.
To view Public Stores report:
From theNavigation Pane, click onReport -> Organization.
UnderStore Reports, click onPublic Stores.
If you wish to change the Server, click onSelect Serverand choose the server name from the drop down list.
这份报告显示了增长的所有公共停下来res in an exchange organization. The report lists initial and final size of public stores and also displays the top 5 public stores based on growth rate.
To view Public Stores Growth report:
From theNavigation Pane, click onReport -> Organization.
UnderStore Reports,click onPublic Stores Growth.
UnderFilter, in thePeriodfield, select the time period from the drop down options and clickGo.
If you wish to change the Server, click onSelect Serverand choose the server name from the drop down list.
This report displays various public stores and their restricted limits. The details included in this report are mailbox store name, server name, size (KB) at which warning is issued, size (KB) at which sending is prohibited and size (KB) at which both sending and receiving is prohibited.
To view Public Stores Restrictions report:
From theNavigation Pane, click onReport -> Organization.
UnderStore Reports, click onMore -> Public Stores Restrictions.
If you wish to change the Server, click onSelect Serverand choose the server name from the drop down list.