StellarReporter & Auditor for Exchange Server
StellarReporter & Auditor for Exchange Server
Stellar Reporter & Auditor for Exchange Server/4. Types of Reports/4.3. Email Traffic Reports/4.3.6. Overall Traffic Reports
This category of reports provide information about the traffic generated towards the internet. Overall Traffic Reports display complete outgoing and incoming internet traffic details by listing all the external domains.
Various reports listed under Overall Traffic Reports are:
This report gives the outgoing traffic details by listing all the external domains to which mails were sent with total number of mails sent to each domain in a given time period. It also presents the top 10 domains based on the number of mails sent.
To view Number of Mails Sent to Internet report:
From theNavigation Pane, click onReport -> Email Traffic.
UnderOverall Traffic Report,click onNumber of Mails Sent to Internet.
UnderFilter, in thePeriodfield, select the time period from the drop down options and clickGo.
If you wish to change the Server, click onSelect Serverand choose the server name from the drop down list.
This report also gives the outgoing traffic details by listing all the external domains to which mails were sent with total size of mails sent to each domain in a given time period. It also presents the top 10 domains based on the size of mails sent.
To view Size of Mails Sent to Internet report:
From theNavigation Pane, click onReport -> Email Traffic.
UnderOverall Traffic Report, click onSize of Mails Sent to Internet.
UnderFilter, in thePeriodfield, select the time period from the drop down options and clickGo.
If you wish to change the Server, click onSelect Serverand choose the server name from the drop down list.
This report gives the incoming traffic details by listing all the external domains with total number of mails received by each domain in a given time period. It also presents the top 10 domains based on the number of mails received.
To view Number of Mails Received from Internet report:
From theNavigation Pane, click onReport -> Email Traffic.
UnderOverall Traffic Report, click onNumber of Mails Received from Internet.
UnderFilter, in thePeriodfield, select the time period from the drop down options and clickGo.
If you wish to change the Server, click onSelect Serverand choose the server name from the drop down list.
This report also gives the incoming traffic details by listing all the external domains with total size of mails received by each domain in a given time period. It also presents the top 10 domains based on the size of mails received.
To view Size of Mails Received from Internet report:
From theNavigation Pane, click onReport -> Email Traffic.
UnderOverall Traffic Report, click onSize of Mails Received from Internet.
UnderFilter, in thePeriodfield, select the time period from the drop down options and clickGo.
If you wish to change the Server, click onSelect Serverand choose the server name from the drop down list.