StellarToolkit for iPhone
StellarToolkit for iPhone
You can use theErase Dataoption to erase your iOS device. This option erases all the data from your iOS device.
Note: The feature ofErasing Data from iPhoneis compatible withiPhone5and above only.
Caution:Once you erase the data from the device usingStellar Toolkit for iPhone, you will not be able to recover the data.
To use the Erase Data option of the software, follow the steps given below:
1.RunStellar Toolkit for iPhoneand selectErase Data.
2.Erase iPhone Datascreen appears with information related to the erasure process. ClickNext.
3. On theConnect your iPhonescreen, plug your iOS device into your computer and select the desired device to proceed further.
Note: In case you have connected multiple devices, the application lists all connected devices. Select the desired device from which you want to erase the data.
4. After the desired device is selected, clickErase.
5. AErase Processdialog box appears to confirm your action, selectYes对confirm.
6.Erasing iPhone Datascreen displays the progress of the erasure process.
7。”All data from the selected device erased successfully" message appears after successful completion of erasure process. ClickOK.