You can save scan result of any scanning process as .DAT file. Saving scan information saves your time. You can resume recovery by selecting the DAT file without scanning the drive again.
To save scan information:
- In 'Scan Results' window. Click Back button or close the application.
- You will be prompted to save scan information.
- Click on Yes.
- In 'Save scan information' dialog box, browse to the location where image file should be saved. Type the name of the image file in the File name text box. Click on Save.
Scan Information file will be saved with .DAT extension.
To resume recovery by using scan information file:
- Run Stellar Windows Data Recovery.
- Click ‘Advanced Settings’ button.
- Click on ‘Resume Recovery’ button from ‘Advanced Settings’ window.
- Select the saved scan information from which you want to resume the recovery process and click on Add.
- Click on ‘Resume Recovery’ to start the recovery process.
- Once the scanning process is completed, details of the files and folder found are displayed in a dialog box.
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